Saturday, September 7, 2013

Reverse Culture Shock

As I prepare to return to the US, I find myself in a mix of emotions.  I feel sad saying goodbye to everyone here and excited to see my family and friends.  These emotions are expected by myself and everyone else, but I have more feelings than just these two.

Several months back, I made a list of things that I missed from America that I could not do or have here (in this part of India, not India as a whole).  I missed cheeses, hamburgers, and sushi.  I missed driving my car.  I missed sitting in coffee shops with friends and going to the movies.  I missed hot showers, AC, and washing machines.  But now I don't really mind not having those things.  (Although I suspect I will enjoy them once I am back).

When I think about having all those things again, it just seems strange.  I've made a lot of changes to adapt to living here; now I must change again.  Culture shock is widely discussed and expected.  Reverse culture shock seems to fly under the radar.  I think the best way I can sum it up is to say that I feel out of place, uneasy, and foreign.  I know this is a phase and I will adapt and change, but this is how I feel for now.

Here are a few of many articles that are helpful: